Our school aligns with the objectives of education stated in the Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide (2017), forming a coherent and co-ordinated education system to achieve the goal of whole-person development.
1.Diversified Teaching: Through the use of “Intentional Teaching”, “Theme-based Teaching”, and “Picture-books Teaching” styles, students engage in experimenting, observing and reflecting learning.
2.Play-based Learning: Children are naturally wired to do the very thing that will help them learn and grow. When learning through play, children guide their own learning with their curiosity and interests.
3. Language Leanrning: Through the “Spiral Curriculum”, children develop their skill of ‘Listening’, ‘Speaking’, ‘Reading’, and ‘Writing’.
4.Foreign Language Learning: Through stories, interactive activities, drama and songs; our specialist teachers assist children to develop the foundation of English and Mandarin.
5. Numeracy Learning: Through mathematic teaching aids that combine learning and play to cultivate children’s creative thinking, improve logical thinking and mathematical abilities, and establish basic mathematical concepts.
6. Innovative Exploration Learning: By incorporating innovative exploration learning in the curriculum, children develop scientific elements.
7. Creative Art Experiences: The school sets up visual art teachers to coordinate with the programme plan and design diversified artistic creation activities with the school teachers to enhance children’s active participation in art activities, enhance creative interest and skills, and cultivate the ability to appraise art.
8. Moral Education: The school desgins a variety of play-based activities for children, which helps foster positive attitudes in learning. The activities also enhances the children’s concept of right or wrong, and cultivates positive pshycological qualities.
9. Life Experience Learning: The school runs through activities such as visits and scientific experiment exploration allowing children to conduct “experimental learning” and accumulate knowledge from their own experience.
10. School Orientation: The school has set up an adjustment week for newly enrolled children to help children enter the kindergarten learning stage easily and gradually. In addition, in order for K3 children to smoothly transition from kindergarten to primary school, the school will also arrange pre-primary transition activities to allow prospective primary students to learn to adapt to the new environment and face challenges throughout their school lives.